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[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000423s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=sh-sx-edi;charset=utf8 [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_articleclass` [ RunTime:0.000911s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_articleclass` WHERE `ac_id` <= 7 ORDER BY `ac_sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000525s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_article` [ RunTime:0.000733s ] [ SQL ] SELECT `article`.`article_id`,`article`.`ac_id`,`article`.`article_url`,`article`.`article_title`,`article`.`article_time`,`article_class`.`ac_name`,`article_class`.`ac_parent_id` FROM `ds_article` `article` LEFT JOIN `ds_articleclass` `article_class` ON `article`.`ac_id`=`article_class`.`ac_id` WHERE ( article.article_show = '1' and (article_class.ac_id <= 7 or (article_class.ac_parent_id > 0 and article_class.ac_parent_id <= 7)) ) ORDER BY `article_sort` ASC,`article_time` DESC LIMIT 300 [ RunTime:0.000583s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_cart` [ RunTime:0.000734s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_cart` WHERE `buyer_id` IS NULL [ RunTime:0.000170s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_store` [ RunTime:0.001023s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_store` WHERE `store_id` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000495s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_goodscommon` [ RunTime:0.001030s ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `ds_goodscommon` WHERE `store_id` = 18 AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000671s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_evaluatestore` [ RunTime:0.000713s ] [ SQL ] SELECT AVG(seval_desccredit) as store_desccredit,AVG(seval_servicecredit) as store_servicecredit,AVG(seval_deliverycredit) as store_deliverycredit,COUNT(seval_id) as count FROM `ds_evaluatestore` WHERE `seval_storeid` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000236s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_storejoinin` [ RunTime:0.000824s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storejoinin` WHERE `member_id` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000441s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storejoinin` WHERE `member_id` = 18 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000414s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_storegoodsclass` [ RunTime:0.000664s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storegoodsclass` WHERE `store_id` = 18 AND `storegc_state` = 1 ORDER BY `storegc_parent_id` ASC,`storegc_sort` ASC,`storegc_id` ASC [ RunTime:0.000332s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_goods` [ RunTime:0.000951s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_goods` WHERE `store_id` = 18 AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 ORDER BY `goods_salenum` DESC LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.000809s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_goods` WHERE `store_id` = 18 AND `goods_state` = 1 AND `goods_verify` = 1 ORDER BY `goods_collect` DESC LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.000701s ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ds_storenavigation` [ RunTime:0.000729s ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `ds_storenavigation` WHERE `storenav_store_id` = 18 ORDER BY `storenav_sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000197s ]